Sunday, August 19, 2012

Week 3 - Gold Digger

Concept and Storyline
This is a territorial acquisition game with a marriage breakup and obtain all the possessions theme. You must attempt to collect as many possessions as possible. Take other players to court for their possessions but avoid going bankrupt.

  1. One dice is used.
  2. The player who rolls the highest number starts the game.
  3. Players start from any part on the board.
  4. Turns are always taken in a clockwise direction.
  5. When a player throws the dice they move the corresponding number of board positions in which ever direction they want except they cannot move over the same square twice.
  6. Tokens represent possessions. Purple tokens are worth 30, yellow tokens are worth 20, orange tokens are worth 15, dark green tokens are worth 10 and light green tokens are worth 5.
  7. When a player lands on a board position they collect the possession if it is there.
  8. If the player decides to move to a board position that is occupied by another player then they must contest a case in court with the other player(s). The outcome of the court case is decided by the roll of the dice.
  9. The player that rolls the higher number wins the court case and takes possessions from the losing player to the value of the dice roll times 10. If the losing player is bankrupted they lose two turns. The losing player however can appeal the court decision and go to court again if they are not bankrupt.
  10. The game ends when the last token is taken from the board.
  11. The player with the highest possession value wins the game.
Collect the highest possession value before the game ends.

Core Game Mechanic
Roll dice and move around the board the corresponding number of squares in order to land on a board position that contain valuable and unclaimed possessions. Alternatively land on board positions occupied by other players and challenge them for their possessions.

Use strategy to move around the board and collect valuable possessions. Alternatively chase other players in order to take them to court for their possessions.

Overall Impression
Well thought out theme. Game not very complex and easy to play. Perhaps some mystery board positions which enable the use of bonus cards or some obstacles on the board in order to reduce the player's mobility would have added another dimension to the game strategy possible.

My Rating
6 out of 10 stars.

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