Saturday, October 27, 2012

Week 13 - Presentation & Wrap Up


Presentation Play Through

Meeting Prior to Presentation
Board prototype completed.
My presentation components completed.
Presentation formatted.
Presentation play through planned and practised.

Presentation Delivered

Post Presentation Project Wrap Up
My concept document components completed.
Concept document formatted and submitted.
Everyone happy with result and teamwork.
Project completed.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Week 13 - Howl's Moving Castle V3

Howl's Moving Castle Board V7
Howl's Moving Castle Board V6
Game Mechanics V3
Game Flowchart V2
Design Development Meeting9
Photoshop final board image for signoff.
Board requires enlarging and fixing to a more substantial base board.
Board should include place markers for cards.
Review/update design concept document and add digital media level.

Build final board.
Complete game mecahnic and flowchart part of presentation.
Complete/review concept document due Friday 5pm in particular individual digital levels.
Update group blog after presentation.

Week 12 - Howl's Moving Castle V2.2

Game Flowchart V0
Design Development Meeting8
Posted up draft game flowchart.
Perhaps some shortening of portal worlds to speed up game play.
Play testing with non-group members Michael and Nathan.
Agreed length of game to be shortened by reducing board positions in portal worlds.
Game rules changed so that casting of spells can be performed from anywhere on board.

All to complete individual presentation components and practice presentation and timing.
Refine game mechanics and game flowchart based on play testing.
Update group blog.

Week 11 - Howl's Moving Castle V2.1

Game Mechanics V1

Design Development Meeting6&7
Play testing on both occasions.
Agreed board design is essentially complete.

Refine game mechanics based on plat testing.
Draft game flow chart.
Update group blog.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Week 10 - Howl's Moving Castle V2

Howl's Moving Castle Board V4
Game Mechanics V0

Design Development Meeting4&5
Various board designs were reviewed and play tested.
Spell and challenge card were reviewed.
Normal playing cards where substituted for spell and challenge cards in play testing.
Event cards were developed during play testing.
Goal of game agreed to be reaching central point of inner sanctum.
Power level system play tested.
Game mechanics were adjusted based on play testing.

Peter to further refine game mechanics.
Update group blog.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Break - Howl's Moving Castle V1

Howl's Moving Castle Board V1.1
Talisman Board Game

Design Development Meeting3
Howl's Moving Castle video reviewed again.
David brought in one of his favourite board games called Talisman.
This was instrumental in synchronising the teams conceptual model of the game design.
Play testing was performed and game rules were documented.
Overall board design was agreed.

Peter to draft player game turn mechanics.
Update group blog.

Week 9 - Howl's Moving Castle V1


Wasteland Map V0
Design Development Meeting2
Howl's Moving Castle video watched.
Wiki research posted up.
Developed map for Wastelands
From the developed maps it became apparent that I had a different concept as to the game design however David and Ravi seemed to have a similar concept.
It was decided to play test using the castle map design proposed by David and using generic sub maps in order to further clarify the current game prototype.

Further refinement of the sub maps was proposed for the next design meeting and it was deemed necessary to plan this in the lecture recess.
Update group blog.

Week 8 - Howl's Moving Castle V0.1

Design Team
  • David MacPherson
  • Ravi Singh
  • Peter Anderson
Project Constraints and Development Process
Given the short time frame to produce a game design and low fidelity prototype an iterative development process with a time box of 1 week was decided.

At each iterative meeting the following format has been adopted:
  • Discuss previous weeks issues, resolution and integration of changes into current prototype.
  • Team play testing then performed based on the current prototype game.
  • New issues documented and allocated to team member.
  • Work breakdown structure updated.
Design Development Meeting1
It was accepted that the version 0 prototype was the initial design proposal created by Ravi.
Ravi created a breakdown of the game from his current perspective.
Howl's Moving Castle Board V0

Undertake a brainstorming activity on Wasteland board sub map.
Update group blog.

Week 7 - Howl's Moving Castle V0

Concept and Storyline
The concept for this board game was taken from Studio Ghiblis production of Howl's Moving Castle which is based on the novel of the same name by Diana Wynne Jones. The game takes place is the fantasy war torn land of Ingary and its different locales. The wizards and witches are honour bound to support the leaders of their respective countries and use magic to gain advantage over their enemies. Howl is a powerful wizard who has been possessed by a demon. The key to stopping the war is entwined with the saving of Howl before he is permanently transformed into a monster.

Genre and Target Audience
The genre the game takes on is more than one it can be classed as a role playing action adventure board game with a hint of territorial acquisition. The audience which is being targeted for this game is those of age above 13.

Goals and Objects
Race to find Howl's heart which has been lost and return Howl back to health by returning his heart or alternatively you can set out to destroy Howl by destroying his heart. Objects in this game will include such things as doorways which act as entrances and exits for players who are going through portals, chests which are scattered around the map one of which holds Howl's heart. There are also a number of special board positions from which the players can access and retrieve the spell and challenge cards. Dice and specialty cards such as spells which damage the opponent or challenge cards which hinders the opponent or can make you prone to attacks.

Characters and Environment
You can choose to either play as the heroine Sophie or the villain Madam Suliman. The board game will resemble places which the characters have visited during the course of the movie including The Waste, the coastal town of Port Haven, Folding Valley and the capital Kingsbury.

Game Play
  1. Players must roll die to see how many spaces can be moved, players must move the total amount of spaces which have been rolled (players roll 5 they must move 5 spaces), players are not able to back track until they have rolled again and must move around obstacles which have a permanent place on the boards different maps.
  2. Players are free to access the entire map at any time as long as they have the right cards in play or portals have been opened.
  3. Players are limited to how many steps they can take at a time.
  4. A player can have two challenge cards down at the same time; but with spell cards the player needs two cards to make up one spell.
  5. Each player has a different types of spells for the Protagonist the spells represent love and kindness and as for the antagonist the spells will represent darkness and hatred.
  6. Each variety of cards will have a different time limit on it (number of moves before the card wares off or a time limit for how long it can be in play).
  7. Players also have a health system which can only be affected by spells and for both players the less health the slower you become in your movements, becoming slower is also to simulate you growing older and if players lose all of their health they reset there characters (give up all cards in play, in hand return to start of board).
  8. Though players can resupply on health by picking up cards which regain their health.
  9. There are set mechanics which this game uses to maximize to players experience.
  10. Players are only aloud to hold 5 cards at a time not including those which are in play.
  11. Players are able to move in-between “levels” if that “portal” or “doorway” has been opened otherwise players cannot access that part of the board.
  12. To cast a spell or a challenge cards they must be active on the board, to finish the game the players must return the heart to designated place.
Core Mechanic
On each turn each player rolls a dice to determine where they move on board. Depending on board position they may pickup additional cards which can enable extra actions or improve their attributes such as spells, health, strength and experience. The player can also choose to attack other players using their spell cards.

Most of the challenge is derived from player health, experience and strength attributes developed and then used during dueling. Game unpredictability is created through the rolling of the dice. Not knowing where Howl's heart card is located also creates a certain element of unpredictability.

Overall Impression
Still more development of design required in order to be able to rate more accurately however early prototype game concept was interesting to review.

My Rating
8 out of 10 stars.

Week 7 - MAD Game Design Proposal

Concept and Storyline
By 2020 the world has aligned itself with the 4 major super powers – EU, China, USSR and USA. Global warming is worse than the predictions of the early 21st century and food and resource shortages are common. Individual countries and militias constantly cross borders in order to take what they need to survive and the conflict is always brutal and swift. By 2035 nuclear proliferation had reached epidemic proportions and in 2037 a nuclear conflict takes place between Israel and IRAN with both countries being reduced to radioactive wastelands. In order to ensure that no further nuclear conflict occurs between any two groups the super powers commission a Doomsday weapon to be built. The theory of MAD(Mutually Assured Destruction) embodied in the mother of all deterrents. In 2040 this weapon was made fully operational, autonomous and more importantly made public knowledge. The year is 2075 and there have been no nuclear conflicts for 35 years but now there is a new threat. The launch codes for older ICBM missiles have been stolen. That all pervasive internet means that anyone with the codes can initiate a nuclear strike from anywhere in the world. There are also rumours that some countries are developing subterranean cities, sub oceanic bases and space station based colonies.

Genre and Target Audience
Role playing acquisition and race to the finish board game for age 15 years and above.

Characters and Environment
You can choose to be a despotic ruler of a country focused of changing the world order by taking down the super powers with their own doomsday weapon or act as an agent of the super powers trying to gain their favour by returning the stolen ICBM launch codes. Your playing space is the planet Earth delineated by countries and super powers as depicted in Figure 1.
Figure 1
Figure 1
Goals and Objects
Develop and resource your subterranean city, sub-ocean base or space colony and then start nuclear Armageddon with one of the stolen launch codes. Alternatively gather 3 ICBM launch codes for the super powers.
Arms Race – Aircraft, Tanks, Troops, Ships, Launch & Destruct Codes;
Subterranean Race – Subterranean City, Terra Firma Diggers;
Sub-ocean Race – Sub-ocean base, Aqua Domes;
Space Race – Space Colony, Boson Anti Gravity Engine;
Peace Race – Diplomatic Immunity, Form Alliance, Intelligence Asset;
Resources – Hydroponics, Energy, Atmosphere Purifier.

Figure 2
Figure 2
Game Play
  1. 2 to 6 people can play at a time and whoever rolls the highest number starts the game and turns are always clockwise order. Each player selects a token and starts on flag of choice.
  2. The pack of cards is shuffled and placed face down in the “NEW” stack at the centre of the board at the start of the game. {Refer to Figure 1}
  3. In order to get into the arms race you must roll a six which allows you to place your token on the corresponding “START” color position in your flag’s quadrant. You also receive 5 cards dealt face down from the top of the pack which you hold like a 5 card poker hand.
  4. Once you enter the arms race when you roll the dice you move the corresponding number of positions in whichever direction you choose and then you pick up a card from the pack.
  5. You can swap the picked up card for one of your existing cards, discard the picked up card or attack someone using any card in your hand.
  6. If you land on a yellow position you can start an incident with any other player in the arms race except players on green board positions. If you land on a red position you can start an incident with any other player in the arms race except players on green or red board positions. If you land on a blue position you can start an incident with any other player in the arms race except players on green or blue red board positions. If you land on a green position you cannot start an “attack” incident with any other player.
  7. If you are attacked you must either defend yourself with an equal or superior weapon card or use a “DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY”, “INTELLIGENCE ASSET” or “FORM ALLIANCE” card. Otherwise your attacker can take a card from your hand and you must pick up another card. The used cards are put in the discard pile and each player picks up another card so that they once again have 5 cards in their hand. If you used an “INTELLIGENCE ASSET” card you pick two cards and if you use a “FORM ALLIANCE” card you pick up three cards.
  8. If you present the “ICMB LAUNCH CODES” card you are declaring war on everyone and the only way this can be stopped is if one of the other players has an “ICBM DESTRUCT CODE” card. Declare your victory by laying down your hand for all to see. You must have a both cards from your “Race” strategy and at least one resource card. Alternatively you must have 2 or more “ICBM LAUNCH CODES” cards.
Core Mechanic
Each player when it is their turn rolls the dice. They determine the direction to move in and hence the best board position to suit their strategy. They pick up a card and can potentially start an incident with another player that can either be aggressive or friendly in order to promote their strategic position.

The dice and the cards make the game unpredictable. Once you declare war you become a target for all other players if your ICBM is destroyed.

Overall Impression
Early prototype game concept was interesting to develop and initial play testing was fun.

My Rating
8 out of 10 stars.