Monday, October 1, 2012

Week 8 - Howl's Moving Castle V0.1

Design Team
  • David MacPherson
  • Ravi Singh
  • Peter Anderson
Project Constraints and Development Process
Given the short time frame to produce a game design and low fidelity prototype an iterative development process with a time box of 1 week was decided.

At each iterative meeting the following format has been adopted:
  • Discuss previous weeks issues, resolution and integration of changes into current prototype.
  • Team play testing then performed based on the current prototype game.
  • New issues documented and allocated to team member.
  • Work breakdown structure updated.
Design Development Meeting1
It was accepted that the version 0 prototype was the initial design proposal created by Ravi.
Ravi created a breakdown of the game from his current perspective.
Howl's Moving Castle Board V0

Undertake a brainstorming activity on Wasteland board sub map.
Update group blog.

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