Sunday, September 30, 2012

Week 6 - Mise en scene

Design Challenge
The workshop activity design challenge involved creating a defining list of objects and items for an appropriate mise-en-scene (staging, scenery, props) of the historical figure Adolf Hitler.

List Created
  1. Austrian Alps
  2. David's Star
  3. Black Forest
  4. Beer Mug
  5. Albert Eienstein
  6. Monocle
  7. Colours Red, Black and Yellow
  8. Burning Books
  9. Pocket Watch
  10. Mercedes Benz, BMW and Porche
  11. Great Sword
  12. Eagle
  13. Salute
  14. Moustache
  15. Swastika
Team Testing
We then tested these objects in order on other teams.
Teams guessed Adolf Hitler at object 6, 8, 12, 14 and 15.
The average being 11 was considered to be a good result.

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